Presented here is a new Late Ages nation for your game-time enjoyment:
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Woman2.gif[/img] Sylvania [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/icon23.gif[/img]
In an ancient mythic time, the elves were the rulers of the world. Their grace, beauty, and strength surpassed that of every other race and they lived out their immortal lives as semi-divine lords enthroned above a simplistic world of mortals. Those times are gone, and the elves have faded almost entirely from the world.
In the lush forests of Sylvania their last city yet stands, a secret enclave hidden from the eyes of mortals by ancient magics. While in the woodlands the sylvankind hunt [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Target.gif[/img] and live peacefully at one with nature [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Panda.gif[/img], their cosmopolitan cousins in the city engage in the millennia-old quest for knowledge, skill, and honor. There the Phoenix King resides, supreme lord of the elves. With the coming of a new god, the elves see a chance, a faint glimmer of hope, to reunite the world under their wise tutelage once more and restore the lost Empire of Dawn. Now, for the last time, the elves march to war.
This nation is an addition to the normal Late Ages nations (nation number 72) and will not replace any of the original nations. This mod was a lot of fun to make and is a much more traditional sort of nation than Sanguinia. I wanted to provide a "purer" version of Pangaea for the Late Ages as well as build a mod based on some of the elven armies from Warhammer Fantasy Battles. This is the result. Load it up, check out the readme file, and give the pointy-ears a try. Please let me know your impressions and concerns so I can make this mod even better!
v1.0: 59 downloads
-Cited name list usage in readme file
-Sylvan Warrioress and Aspect Archon heroes given Sacred ability
-Eldar Blades and Eldar Knives given an attack and defense rating increase
-Bows for Summer, Autumn, & Winter Aspect Archers given additional damage values
-Damage and precision on the bow for the Spring Aspect Archers reduced for balancing (now 6 and 0); each of them essentially has a superior version of a greater magic item (Vine Bow) and while quite useful I found this was a little too advantageous

-Phoenix Guards given a new weapon, Dawn's Edge, based on bardiche stats
-Phoenix Guard gold price increased
-Phoenix Lord gold price increased substantially
-Swordmasters given significant skill increases
-Sea Guards given a slightly higher defense skill
-Loremasters given a 50% chance of having a third level of Astral magic
-Sorceresses' random magic abilities tweaked to give a more truly random feel and variability between individuals -- they can even get death magic -- with a total maximum of 6 possible paths
-Sylvan Priestesses given a 25% chance of having one level of Nature magic