Very nice mod, as usual.
Troop suggestions:The aspect archers bows (while having nice effects) all have 0 damage which, imo makes them too weak for their cost. I believe both the eldar knives and blades could use an attack (maybe just 1 point) and defence (i would suggest 1 or 2) boost. The elves, imo could also do with +1 or 2 defence and possibly -1 health. I think the phoenix guards could do with +2 damage to their weapons damage and a +9/14 (or else, even with their high resources, their fear could be a bit too powerful). I think the swordmasters could also use a rather large boost (i would have them with a basic attack and defence of 15) with a slightly higher gold cost. I think the seaguard are a bit too expensive (just like in warhammer) and could do with some sort of boost though im not sure what.
Commander Suggestions: The phoenix lord could do with a gold boost up to 150-180 gold (hes very nasty) but fear(as with the guard) would be fitting too imo. The mages could also do with some kind of randoms.
Unit Suggestions:
Assasins would be nice and fairly fitting (+10 or so stealth). You dont need scouts since they have alot of stealthy commanders but assasins would be good imo.
Overall i really like the mod so keep up the good work
edit: The world tree pretender seems to have a (not sure if its meant to have it but it dosnt seem like it) problem. Whenver i look at it in the god selection screen (there-fore generating a new unit for it) it gains random afflcitions.