Turn 4
A proclamation for Caelum! Apparently this Caelum place thinks that some Tempest Lord named Bastavaray is worthy to be a prophet of some weak god named Zwago.
I wouldn't get caught dead with a prophet named Bastavaray. Then again I would be hard to catch anyway, what with me being in prison, and also me being almighty.
Meanwhile, the batlle in Ladakh Sanctuary went well, only 2 men lost to the enemy's 38.



Satisfied with the results of the battle, I look in my crystal ball set to the world map and see some interesting information.
Apparently, the wretched nation of Yomi has settled right to the south of the lands of the great nation of Sar Elad. We'll see how long they'll last there.
The Saiar which brought me the valuable information is sent to do some more scouting along Yomi's lands.
Elysha is sent to conquer another province to his west, the way he handled the last battle, he should make short work of them.
This might be a good time to boast of Elysha's enormous skill which led him into the Hall of Fame and earned him Heroic Strength.
A new Melumad has arrived, and is swiftly renamed E Dan and promptly sent to research, quite amusing since Idan is also a name.
7 more Lohamim Mekudashim are called for, and another Melumad as well. At this point I regret not putting that point in Growth instead of Production. I should have known better since Sar Elad is basically designed around light infantry.
The World: