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Old November 18th, 2006, 07:44 PM
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Default Re: New Nation: Sylvania (Elves, son!)

Teraswaerto, glad you're enjoying it! I will be boosting the damage for all Aspect Archers except for the Springs in v1.1.

Shovah32, the pricing is a little odd it's true. I intended the Sorceresses to be used for battlefield magic, summons, and forging, but to be much less useful for research. They're fiery and short-tempered mistresses who channel raw magic rather than lock themselves away in towers to study and experiment. So, they have a research penalty and in v1.1 will be able to get up to six paths of magic with new random tables (level 1 Nature base, 100% chance of a level 2 Elemental, 75% chance of 1 additional Elemental, 25% chance of 1 add. Nature, and 5% chance of level 1 Death). The Loremasters are the opposite. They are obsessed with knowledge, cataloging, and study. Thus, they have a research bonus, but are not very effective as utility mages. In v1.1 they will have a 25% chance of coming out with level 3 (instead of 2) Astral.

Hopefully the v1.1 changes (almost all of them positive) will satisfy! I should be able to release it tomorrow or shortly thereafter.
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