I like the idear that a god can bless some loyal servents whit supernatural ability, like the previous pantokrator blessed his generals whit devine bodies.
Things i like:
-Increase the stats of commander or basic troops permenantly.
-Extra ability's for commander or basic troops.
-Allow to give commanders devine bodies.
-The same way we use gift of reason to cast the spell on specific commanders or basic troops.
Thise things are already in the game, but only as flavor. The warden are echanted by the wiches of avalon. And some troops from vanheim are blessed/cursed whit beserker rage.
The spells will make SC's better. witch is actually its intended purpose. And it feels your trutly a god who can bless loyal men whit superhuman ability's
Tought how to keep it balanced:
-Cant stack the same skill buff over and over again.
-National buffs, like vanheim gets the beserker rage buff.
-Lots of research
-Make a new path, Transmutation
-Downside of the enchantments, Like liqued body gives it increased defence and cold suspensive. And invunrable bodies poision suspensive whit lower AP's.
I already begin to droowl whit the trought of giving my commander who almost got killed in battle demonic powers.
(and see him getting banished a few turns later

Said that, I support thise idear.