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Old November 22nd, 2006, 05:27 PM
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Default Re: bug thread

StellarRat said:
3. Hunter of Heroes Doom Horror attacks to early and often, making the Hall of Fame more like death row.

This is a really serious and annoying bug. It's basically ruined the fun of playing almost and should be fixed ASAP. Even a hot fix would be worth it. I lost six heros to this bug in one game! The heros seem to be defenseless against this "creature" which is even more annoying then it attacking constantly.
This is known and will not receieve a hotfix (thuogh I'm assuming will be fixed in the next patch).
If its really bothering you, just reinstall the game, it was accidentally reintroduced with the patch, so playing the unpatched version is your hotfix.
Another point I'd like to make is that it seems to me the bug is definitely not serious.* Through the course of a ~70 turn game, during most of which (atleast 30 turns) I completely dominated the hall of fame (8/10 places were mine), and the only HoH attack I saw happened two turns before I won the game, and was also the only HoH attack. I'm not sure if the commander was horror marked (forgot to check in my eagerness to finish the game :X), but either way one attack in 70 turns does not seem serious to me.

*-This is based on my experience, so don't go shouting at me that you lose a commander every other second.
I'm in the IDF. (So any new reply by me is a very rare event.)
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