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Old November 23rd, 2006, 12:34 PM
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Default Re: bug thread

StellarRat said:
3. Hunter of Heroes Doom Horror attacks to early and often, making the Hall of Fame more like death row.

This is a really serious and annoying bug. It's basically ruined the fun of playing almost and should be fixed ASAP. Even a hot fix would be worth it. I lost six heros to this bug in one game! The heros seem to be defenseless against this "creature" which is even more annoying then it attacking constantly.
There's a simple mod in the mod forum that give the HoH the stats of a false horror :
Post# sed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1

There's still a small chance that you might lose a commander (a fragile mage without any armor that fail the MR roll versus phantasmal claws), but I did'nt lost any unit since using this mod.
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