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Old November 25th, 2006, 08:27 AM
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Default Re: Mod/Fix : Hunter of Heroes Nerf

Consume Soul - mr roll or die
Astral Fetters, Astral Hooks, Life Drain are all armor-piercing or armor-negating, add strength, and can't be resisted by magic. Curse Luck is like some strange inverse Luck, as per the spell.

He has good defence, so only few units can hit him. He has good attack, so he can hit all units... Only few units can damage him through that protection, and they can't deal much damage, any way. He, on the other hand, mostly ignores armor. Also, he has Blood Vengeance, so anyone trying to hit him has to succeed a MR roll or damage themselves instead. Then he's also ethereal, so you'd need magical weapons to actually hurt him. The Fear rating is +20 or so, i.e. Very Bad.

He has 90 hp and no elemental resistances, so in theory you can use spells to hurt him. Most elemental spells can't punch through prot 25; Air probably could. If the caster could deal, say, 20 damage/turn, and had 10 bodyguards (Ring of Warning), and Rarku only killed 2 of them each turn, and if the bodyguards were undead and he couldn't drain life back, and only one of the bodyguards killed himself on his Blood Vengeance every turn, and he killed all the bodyguards before attacking the mage...

1st - 70 hp, 7 bodyguards left
2nd - 50 hp, 4 bodyguards left
3rd - 30 hp, 1 bodyguard left
4th - 10 hp, last bodyguard is dead and Rarku moves next to the mage, giving him 50% chance of not being able to cast due to being threatened.

Of course, if you had something like Ether Warriors as bodyguards, they could be VERY nasty indeed. Attack just 13 and Moon Blades have just 2 att IIRC, so only 14% of the attacks bypass Rarku's defence, but with 16 str and increased damage against magical creatures they might deal 10 or so points of damage to him on a successful hit, if they succeeded the Blood Vengeance resistance throw and didn't hurt themselves.

But yes, it IS possible to defeat Rarku. It will be hard, but it can be done. He might even have some afflictions when he comes again.
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