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Old November 27th, 2006, 04:51 PM
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Default Re: The problem of low hit points on humans

PvK said:
Usually either Ring of Tamed Lightning, or Copper Plate.
They are ulmish heroes, so there's no ring of tamed lightning until you've bought a huge amount of master smiths. The copper plate just means that they'll die to a couple of smites, or a fireball instead.

True (though heroes generally cost zero, and I tend to use both).
Heroes cost you a good portion of the 120 design points you'd otherwise get if you took misfortune 3.

I do see this as an issue for my own tastes, and am continuing my mod which rebalances the magic costs.
As I expected, you sound like one of the players who are happy with the dumbing down of Dominions 3 compared to Dom2 and the general reduction in the power of magic.

Whether it's "good enough" depends on what you want, and what tactics you use.
I want the elite commanders with no added equipment to be able to survive nearly any battle that their side wins. These are supposed to be experienced frontline soldiers, not rank and file cannon fodder.

Sounds like a nice mod to me. Though, I assume you will tweak the costs so a commander costs what? 20 x what a normal soldier costs?
The commander would see no change in cost at all, since that's the bare minimum to make them anywhere as useful as a battle mage.
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