PvK said:
Yes, which only makes complete sense, if he is getting ganged up by a steady stream of enemies at 3:1 odds. That's why you don't send him out alone, but assign a few men to stay with him on Guard Commander, and place him near other blocks of troops, etc.
It's clear that you don't have much understanding of the battle mechanic from this statement. It doesn't matter if you give him bodyguards, or supporting troops, since melee attacks are effectively all concentrated on the most survivable unit in a square. In a single combat round, every single attack will be dealt to him (or to friendlies in the same square until they are dead) until he dies and they move onto the next target. 3:1 odds are almost exactly what a unit needs to be able to survive when supported by other troops because three units ganging up on a single other unit is the norm in dominions.