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Old November 29th, 2006, 01:13 AM
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President_Elect_Shang President_Elect_Shang is offline
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Default Re: Fog of War and already colonized planets...

Ya the Autobahn was prime! Me and a friend would rent a car once every month, go to Frankfurt, and go nuts. Then I had this friend in the German Army who wanted me to go with him to help tear down a section of the wall. He said it would make great souvenirs and what did I say? Nay I’ll pass I can’t see why anyone would want a piece of that thing! Amazing how short sighted we can be when youth is our main fuel. And then there was Annette Bhomar, man what a painful memory. How does the song go? “Some things that time just can’t erase”.
President Elect Shang; Tal-Re Republic of Free Worlds
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