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Old December 1st, 2006, 09:39 PM
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Default Re: Whats so bad about the UI????

Hugh Manatee said:
Meh, people need to get their left thumbs out of whatever oriface it's crammed into and start using it. Seriously, unless you are gimped from the neck down somehow there's no good reason not to use a PC with both hands unless you're beating off or a lazy fatass who's to busy cramming cheese powder coated salty fried nummies into your gullet. I've noticed this too among people who dislike RTS type games, calling them confusing clickfests, when in most RTS games there are hotkeys that can greatly ease the load off the mouse.

Most routine ship operations only take eihter 2 clicks, a hotkey and a click, or for cargo a short series of double clicks. Only the research and build lists need a whole lot of clicks, and the design screen needs upper, mid and lower hotkeys with an add item button.
Reason #1 why I very rarely post in this forum anymore.

This, friends, is what I meant when I said before that I sense a growing hostility here toward those of us who politely voice complaints.
-- Tony
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