One of the improvements to the UI that I would like to see is moveable windows that are also resizable. I currently have a dual monitor setup and would love to be able to move some of the windows to my secondary screen. Imagine being able to take quadrant map, enlarging it and then moving it off the system window to your other monitor and then clicking on the systems' icons and being able to see what's in that system. Another advantage would be being able to open up a window that you use alot, resize it to what you want and then leave it open all the time. The game would also remember the size and position in case you closed and then reopened the window. This UI would favor those of us that have dual or widescreen monitors, but if every time you opened a window it created a tab on the task bar then you could open up as many window as you want, leave them open and then just single click on a windows tab to make it the active window and bring it to the front.