Re: AI concept of the \'80ies ... why?
In general there are three kinds of AIs, neural networks, smells and scent, and Brute Froce.
Anyone played Fields of Battle? That AI is quite powerful and selflearning using Neural networks.
Problems with Dominions is that a Game would have to be played til the very end before the Neural Network could be updated. After programming the Neural network, which will be a pain, you will have to play plenty of game before the neural network would give a good AI. If the programming was powerful enough. In general this would probably be the optimal AI for dominions as it would learn from human players. But the amount of cells and how to program them seems to burdensome.
Anyone played Galactic Civilization or any modern chess games? Those games give good AIs given brute force.
Brute force is about calculating as many moves as possible to find an optimal move. Given the amount of possible moves in dominions, the computer would never be able to calculate far enough to separate move from eachother in terms on how good they are.
Smells and Scent is the easiest AI to implement. You just give the AI some rules to follow and let it react on it's surroundings. I think this is the only way to go with Dominions, so all you can do is give better and more precise rules for the AI to follow.