December 4th, 2006, 03:14 PM
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Re: AI concept of the \'80ies ... why?
Arralen said:
PrinzMegaherz said:
So, what if more than one player is participating in the game? The AI needs all turn files in order to calculate battles. Your idea would work for a" One player VS AI game", but not for multiplayer, which Dominions mainly is about
Pardon? Where's the difference between a human and an AI player, if both do their turn at the same time?
Actually, the kind of AI I described is easier to do in Dominions than Civ or Space Empires (but IIRC both have a 'simultanious' mode now, too) - exactly because the AI does not need any player file to do it's turn.
Think you're confusing the game server (who executes the orders and computes the results) or maybe the tactical (battle) AI with the "artifical players", which I'm talking about.
I seem to have misunderstood your original post, sorry. But imho the AI thinking does not take so much time. That comes mostly from calculating the battles and generating the next turn. At least that how it looks on my Macbook.