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Old December 6th, 2006, 03:10 PM
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Default Re: Whats so bad about the UI????

Off topic: Remember, at the very beginning of every game, these societies have already mastered intrasystem travel. (Neptune and Pluto on opposite sides of the Sun, and the trip only takes a bit over a month. Think about it!) And they've also developed warp point interstellar travel. Plus, they've developed planetary colonization, and the colonization ships only take a few months to build. CLEARLY, there is widespread use of robotics and a highly segmented society. MOST of the population of a homeworld does NOTHING, unless you count 1) sitting on their fat ***** eating fried chippies and/or doing nasty things while refusing to use their keyboards while playing computer games; or 2) posting dirty comments to game forums. So when they colonize a new planet, they take a few million of the useful clean-mouthed keyboard-using people who know how to program in C++ or at least Excel and that's all they need to terraform the whole planet and build a superstardestroyer.

On topic: The problem with the default keyboard shortcuts is that you need BOTH hands, since many of them are uppercase letters (and the CapsLock doesn't work) or else they are Ctrl-something. The solution is to reassign the shortcuts, but you really shouldn't have to do that.
Give me a scenario editor, or give me death! Pretty please???
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