Thread: IGN 6.6 Review
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Old December 7th, 2006, 07:54 PM

frightlever frightlever is offline
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Default Re: IGN 6.6 Review

President_Elect_Shang said:
The lack of background, the completely open script is what makes SE so darn powerful. Anyone of us ANY-ONE-OF-US can step in take this game and recreate it in any style or fashion we want! In fact we need not keep it as a space based game. With the right pics and some work you could make this an island adventure. Now how the heck does that qualify as “generic”?
That's actually such an accurate definition of generic I should go paste it into the Wiktionary. Seriously, you should look these words up first before getting all indignant and wotnot.

The GalCiv2 campaign was PAINFUL. Basically play a map rinse and repeat, duplicating most of your research effort with each map. Then they patched it so the campaign was virtually impossible. Haven't looked at it since though I've pre-ordered the expansion for the hell of it. Slick game all the same.

If the reviewers think the game could do with some hand-holding options then why doesn't someone knock up a simplified mod that could be used as a newbies' mode. Simplified research tree and fewer ship options that sort of thing. Compared to what some of you guys are working on this would be a doddle. Getting it included in the stock game might be harder though.
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