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Old December 7th, 2006, 08:16 PM
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Meglobob Meglobob is offline
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Default Re: patching, then taking your MP turn?

You should never play your turn with the new patch. You can only play your turn with the new patch once the host has upgraded to the new patch.

However, this does not stop you from downloading the new patch and playing against the AI with it. You just after copy your existing exe file to somewhere else, rename it dom301 for example. Install patch, then copy the dom301.exe file back into your dominions folder. You will then by double clicking on the correct exe file be able to play dom3 v3.00, v3.01 or v3.04 etc... whenever you want.

As far permanently ending the MP game your in, no the host should be able to recover it. So long as they have sufficient technical knowledge.
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