Thread: IGN 6.6 Review
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Old December 8th, 2006, 01:40 AM
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Default Re: IGN 6.6 Review

Getting a dumbed down mod built is as simple as posting here and getting support for it. One of us modders would build it (I’m sure) if they thought it was worth it. As for your comment about the definition of generic I think you should check again. The game market is not built around open ended games with little or no scripting and background. Thus far the examples sighted have been limited to a pinch of 4X and a few others. The market is overwhelmed with scripted games. I can go to the local Wal*Mart and the majority of the shelves are filled with games which have oodles of official mumbo-jumbo, gaggles of pre-scripted events, and what-not amounts of money sucking charge by the month on-line play. As I have already said SE is not scripted, not burdened by an official background story and by that definition is most certainly NOT your run of the mill, spit out by a mega-corp, shallow GENERIC game. Now the next time you want to jump in a conversation at least take the time to first read what has been said. And you see I am putting the little smiley here so you don’t think I am attacking you Frightlever.

President_Elect_Shang said:
Artaud said:
...I want to create my empire and rule it, without my game play shoehorned into someone else's idea of a story...
Bravo, well said!

As I said, they are main stream dumbed down generic games. SE5; in no way shape or form, can be called generic by that understanding. Now I stand by what I said!
I don’t use Wiki, I use M-W:
Generic: relating to or characteristic of a whole group or class.
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