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Old December 8th, 2006, 06:27 AM
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Taqwus Taqwus is offline
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Default Lanka first look comments.

Not only the Enemies of the Sun but also Sandhyabalas should have Darkvision, being demon ogres of the night who even gain STR in night.

The combination of air, blood, death, nature, Bandar longbows (!), and pretty decently armored infantry for move-2 EA is at first glance quite strong, although there are supply issues (the demonic troops all being gluttons), a lack of shields, and some old age issues with the hybrid mages. Quite a few national summons seem available in both Blood and Conj, including mage and assassin summons -- the Enemies of the Sun are fairly buff for non-unique mage summons, and the assassin summons come equipped with two magic weapons already. Nasty. Maybe not the most subtle of nations for those preferring massive stealth armies, but...

Oh, and undead monkeys. The priests, being demons, get to reanimate, and it looks like they get undead Bandar and Markatas and maybe Atavis (didn't check them all), generally favoring maces it seems. Nifty.
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