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Old December 9th, 2006, 06:32 AM
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Agrajag Agrajag is offline
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Default Re: The new map Dawn

Gandalf Parker said:
Ragnarok-X said:
Great map. I have a suggestion though. The borderlines between territories are sometimes very hard to see. Would you mind releasing a version with "black"-borders ?
You could bring up the tga in any paint program and change the borders. It wouldnt affect any game play (as long as you dont use pure white when making changes)
Well, it would be 200 times easier for Jason Lutes to change it, because he probably has the original map saved with different layers, so all he has to do is click on one layer and do a quick brush-over or many other similar easy things, and come up with an improved version.
Editing the .tga would mean hand-coloring each an every border piece and trying not to go out of lines.

Though I like the map the way it is
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