Evil Dave said:
Yup, that's why I do real work (and real play ) on Macs, and have one Linux system for when I want to play gearhead. Unless one is really hard up for money, there's really not much reason to use Linux (vs Mac): all the usual open source stuff builds just fine under Mac O/S, and everything else Just Works... unless you wanna fiddle with it.
One thing I really love about linux machines is that all software gets upgraded and maintained automatically. Does that work as well on Macs, or do you have to upgrade each piece of software manually (as on windows?)
Also, while Mac can be usable as a dev machine with enough FLOSS software bolted on... I really wouldn't want to develop without the kernel sources and oprofile. But for knocking up a web page, I suppose it can work. But then, if you end up replacing every piece of software, why not save yourself the money and go for a full linux box?
Personally I do recommend Macs... to the truly computer illitterates. Windows for my-computer-is-really-my-console people, BSD for the I-learned-unix-in-the-70s-and-it-was-the-best-that-ever-was and linux for the rest.