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Old December 14th, 2006, 04:09 PM

curtadams curtadams is offline
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Default Re: Will Vanheim Ever Become Spayed?

I'm still fond of the idea of changing Glamour so the images go away when the *images* get hit. It makes sense and cuts back on the Defense-Glamour interaction which is a big part of the problem. You might still need to bump up the cost a little.

Capitol-only + high resource cost sacred is an excessive fix because sometimes a bad location can leave you starved for resources in your capital. It's used, effectively, for Marignon and seems too effective - has anybody every seen a really effective double-bless Knights of the Chalice strategy? A better approach to the low resources cost would be to reduce the armor. If that approach is taken, it should be tried with no other fixes because cutting the armor alone might make them vulnerable enough to missles. That + another nerf is a big risk of overnerf.

Generically I'd like to see some weakening of the units rather than just increasing the cost. Fundamentally, when you have some units which are virtually impossible to harm by many nations well into the game (and tough even after than) it's very hard to have a fair cost.
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