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Old December 14th, 2006, 07:41 PM
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Default Unit Screen Shots Available

I've created screen shots of detail screen for every unit that appears on the This is unit numbers 1 to 1712 with 1621 and 1650 missing.

This method is not as accurate as if someone was able to extract the data directly and of course it doesn't have the "attack sprite" for each unit. However, I imagine there is still a lot of use for the graphics.

Right now they look like this

I was hoping to automatically crop only the unit image, but with the wide variance in placement (and even different layout rules for larger descriptions) I don't see an easy automated way to do this.

I'd guess it would take someone 5-6 hours to manually crop them all if you get a good rhythm going. It would be helpful to hear what the ideal resolution and alignment of the images should look like after they are cropped.

There has been some concern raised about making the entire library available as one download. So for now send me a PM if you want a link to the zip file (210MB) that contains them all.

I can also re-export them all with a different background color if black is a problem. I haven't done any modding so I don't know what would be best to start with.
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