Thread: Wishlist The Modder's Wishlist
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Old December 17th, 2006, 04:30 PM
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Default Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist

This one wouldn't be too hard to implement, and would open up monster modding incredibly.

#spelleffect <timing> "<spellname>"

Timing would determine when the spell effect would be triggered. 0 for at the start of a battle, 1 for every turn, 2 for every time an enemy is hit, 3 for every time an enemy is attacked, and 4 for when the unit dies. Spellname is self-explanatory. One could restrict them to a non-existant nation to stop the effects appearing on the spell list. This would let us do anything from shuten-doji, to suicide bombers, to whatever the heck the darkness-shrouded Lanka summons are called.
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