I have played dominions 1, 2, and 3. They all lived on my computers and got play up until a new version of dominions replaced them. I play almost entirely solo. I still find new things to try.
I tend to prefer RPG games to Strategy so I find it kindof surprising that I enjoy Dom so much. I think it can be immersive. There is a wealth of true mythological and historical research put into the game (which makes sense if you know that one of the devs day-job is teaching that stuff). You might check out some of the AAR's in the subforum here which can break into story mode when talking about the games they are playing.
Also some of the reviews. Many of them have by some really strict gaming magazines have commented that this game provides extensive play for the money. Personally, many games Ive spent this much on lasted about a month on my machines so I figure this one is giving me many hours to the penny.
Oh yeah, Im an older gamer also (50).