Some of these seem useful, others not so much.
minplayers: I have no use for this, but it doesn't seem hard, so, why not.
startkill: I see no use for this. Why enable client start at all if you need to change settings manually? Just wait for everyone to upload, then do it yourself. If you really need this, if you kill the host after a client has "started" the game, all the pretenders and things will still be there and you can revive the game (with all pretenders intact) by just re-hosting. However, I would definitely support automatically disabling client start if manual attention would be required on the server. Nothing beats having a game up for pretender upload, then have it sitting there for hours at the map select screen while I'm at work because I forgot to pass --noclientstart and someone clicked "start game." --noclientstart should be the default as only advanced server operators can get any use at all out of client start, for everyone else, it is nothing but a booby trap.
headstart: Seems counterproductive. Who would want this in a game? Also, can be simulated by running force host (either manually, or with command line option) several times.
backup: Better simulated with a preexec script.
host: I'm not sure what you want here. The server cannot do anything without the fatherland file, and should always have the fatherland file anyway.
fillai: Yes, this is a good idea, I like this. But I don't think era should matter.
killhost: This is another really good idea but I don't see why there needs to be a commandline option. Just have the server automatically host whenever it receives an appropriate signal.
minhost: Well, I don't need this, but if you are hosting on a slow system I can see it might be useful. This actually could be a useful server option too, if you are hosting with a graphical game instead of in text only mode.
filter: Yes, I could really use this, I don't know how anyone can play the game with province neighbors off. Neighbors off is useful only for screenshots