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Old December 22nd, 2006, 11:57 PM

Epaminondas Epaminondas is offline
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Default What is your nastiest surprise ever in Dom III?

What is the nastiest surprise you guys have ever encountered while playing Dom III.

I will relate my nastiest (and most hilarious) experience, which happened 5 minutes ago. So I am playing a long game with 15 AI opponents, and we are left with me (Arco) and one AI (Sauromatica).

Now I've kicked Sauromatica off most of the land provinces, so I am finally heading toward the AI's sea provinces. THe invasion will be a two-pronged one, with two absolutely massive, powerful armies (it was a long game with 15 AI opponents, as I said).

In one of the armies (I called these guys my "national army"), I have my Wind Rider prophet with godly equipment, and with over 200 hit points and at least level 10 in every magic path (he was buffed at least a dozen times with "Wish"). He is ably assisted by Pathos, who also has godly equipment and over 200 hit points and is at least level 10 in every magic path. Both my prophet and Pathos also have 5 Seraph body guard each! (It's too bad no puny Hunter of Heroes showed up, for he would have been licked!). Buttressing my prophet and Pathos are 2 Seraph commanders who were gifted with "Reason." Finally, in this army there were some dozen Oreids and Mystics each, most of them who have been multiple empowered and fully equipped. Together with the foot soldiers--composing mostly Myrmidons, this army is about 600 strong.

The other army is my "summoned" army. It had about a dozen Pretender gods who were "Wished" and gifted with "Reason." They too were all superbly equipped. It also had another dozen or so Ether Lords and their Ether Warrior retinue. There are fewer guys in this army, but with commanders and foot solders this strong, this army too was well-nigh invincible.

So I am going to administer the coup de grace--or so I thought. Wrong...

Here's what happened. Sauromatica had "Thetis' Blessing" on for almost the entire game. So I thought it was safe to attack their water provinces. I wasn't worried about "Thetis' Blessing" being bumped off by another global, because there were only 3 globals up, so Sauromatica had to cast 3 globals in order to even have a chance at bumping off "Thetis' Blessing."

You can imagine what happened. The first turn I enter two water provinces using those 2 massive armies, Sauromatica casts 3 globals and "Thetis' Blessing" is bumped off!!!

So my two cherished armies all drown!

Needless to say, I was surprised [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Envy.gif[/img]
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