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Old December 25th, 2006, 04:23 AM
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HoneyBadger HoneyBadger is offline
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Default Re: Strategy for Agartha Early Age

I can see Death being a valid choice. Not really a contradiction on Heat/Cold, what I meant was I could have gone with Cold3 over Heat3, but Heat seemed the better of the two. Just confusing on my part. Let's see what I can manage with Death 3...Ok, I really want to keep the Forge Lord-even imprisoned, he's still really useful for Agartha. It'd be nice if their were more than one Pretender with forging bonus, by the way, even though I like the Forge Lord. With Death 3 I've also modified my Prod to Sloth 1, luck to 1 and Drain to 3. My new magic becomes: F6, W9, E9, and N4. Dom becomes 5. That gives me extremely tough Seal Guards who can also dish out loads of damage. Crap scales though, but not completely pathetic. By the way, it may be tough to mass Seal Guards, but it's nowhere near as tough as massing Atlantian Living Pillars. Every time you get an extra 50 gold, just put a Seal Guard in the quewe, sooner or later you'll have a decent force.
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