Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
Tanks for the feedback, I'm glad people like the mod, though I'm starting to worry about the bugs cropping up.
- One of my overall design ideas was to put in choices and conflict, because that was an overarching theme in the series, the choices the characters had to make: between the shadows & the vorlons, Londo and his rise&fall, Babylon 5 and Earth, Garibaldi's fall from grace. Everything they did had consequences later on down the line. I think Londo's story influences most design ideas.
- With the cloaking sound with the shadows I didn't want that screaming sound to be popping up every few seconds as it would get really old after a minute or so, hell if you just wait at the intro screen for the intro battle you'll hear it more than enough times.
- With garibaldi being returned early you actually get less points, though I'm considering adding on a reward later on. I may have bester interact with the Ship of Tears event.
- The vorlons may lend aid when the time is right.
- Yea I want the data crytals to add a certain surprise to the game, they're like little gift boxes.
- Delenn actually makes use of the triluminary later on, and if you follow it through you may even find a new friend in an unexpected place...
- I never thought of having a defense for the virus, but sounds good.
- With the jump point generator I was thinking of vanilla WW and I realized that you can just find it lying around. Plus I figured with all the high-powered baddies flyin around out there (shadows, vorlons, 3rdspace) players needed something to give them an edge. However there doesn't seem to be enough items in the mod and the JPG seems to pop up way too often, I'll fiddle around with an idea.
- Just put most of these on my toodoo list, tanks
- I never really wanted the shadows to actually ally with you, even if you accept their gift. They're not trying to be your friend, they're trying to create conflict by giving you something powerful. As for the other races, some I prolly accidentally left off, while the EA was intentional. If you think about it, Earth was actually aligned with the Shadows during the series, plus because of the media blackout they didn't even know anything that was going on outside their own world.
- The Justin/Sheridan thing I never finished, though I might at a later point. The trouble will be with 1) how to account for Sheridan being gone and the alarm popups 2) Victory mission where sheridan isn't young anymore. I knew it was gonna be big headache when I put it in, but I think I have an idea for it now that might work
- The drakh keeper has been removed as a passenger because it just didn't make sense to me that a little invisible thing riding around on your shoulder should take up valuable passenger space. So i figured you'd still be able to feel the effect of the keeper, without actually seeing him.
Graeme out.