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Old January 2nd, 2007, 08:08 AM

GrobRIM GrobRIM is offline
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Default Re: Bug thread

GrobRIM said:
Demons are affected by darkness

More info about it:

First, I know that the problem is considered as fixed by the devs in patch 3.04 (seen in fixes on 24th of November on, but nevertheless...

During battle replay, if I click on a Palankasha demon to display its stats, I will see that Attack and Defense are reduced by 1/2, from Attack 13 to Attack 6, and from Defence 11 to Defence 5: when I click on these stats to get the details, it will show "Darkness: -6" (for basic Attack 13) or "Darkness: -5" (for basic Defence 11). However, when I watch the replay, it doesn't look like the demons are faring worse than usual, which means that maybe only the *displayed* stats do not take demons imperviousness to darkness into account.

What backs up that feeling is that there is a big discrepancy in Precision: if I have a look at Precision, it will display "Darkness: -6" for a Palankasha with basic Precision 9 (that's minus 2/3), which should yield a Precision of 3, but the stat remains unchanged: "Precision: 9"!

So, to sum it up:
- The Darkness penalty should not be displayed in Attack, Defence and Precision details;
- The Darkness penalty should not be included in the computation of displayed Attack and Defence.

All the above problems only occur with demons; everything looks okay with undead and blind units.
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