Ferrosol said:
hmm my favourite SC is a great wyrm with at least water 2 astral 2. Have him cast twist fate and quicken self then charge in his huge hp total combined with those buffs make him an ideal SC in the early game then in the mid game equip him with two Helmets of ? (the ones that give you an extra gore attack) a pendant of luck and whatever extra trinket you want.
Of course i doubt this build would work in a long game but in the few blitzes i have played it cleans up
You do realize Twist Fate only protects your wyrm from one hit, which is unlikely to do appreciable damage? The fatigue from casting the spell probably more than counterbalances this advantage. Why not opt for Astral Shield or (against better-armored troops) Astral Weapon, instead? Or both? Possibly even coupled with Breath of Winter? Or drop the astral altogether, so your pretender can't be killed by any mage with 1 or more astral, magic duel, and a bit of luck?