Re: Widescreen ?
Even having the ratio stored in a "global" won't help -- the point is, how to adapt the layout when the ratio changes.
For example, at the top of the screen, there are two "windows": the the "province" window in the top-left corner, and the "nation" window in the top-right corner.
With the current 4:3 ratio, their top edges are aligned on the top edge of the screen, and the province window's right edge touches the nation window's left edge.
Now imagine that we widen the screen by going to ratio 16:9; we now must decide how to adapt these two windows:
- either we don't change anything, and as the screen gets wider, a gap appears between the province window and the nation windows, which will look "funny" at best;
- or we make the top windows bigger to fill up the gap, but then, if the windows get wider, they'll also get taller (unless we want their content to be stretched), and so they'll cover more of the map underneath, leaving less useful space on the strategic map.
But whatever design choice is made, widescreen can/should be implemented for battle replay, where it will be of great added value (can see more of the battle without scrolling left/right)