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Old January 13th, 2007, 12:37 PM

Newthought Newthought is offline
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Default Re: Repeat request.

At top, that's exactly what the Catholic mantra is. We don't take the Bible literally, we take it in parables, otherwise people can get really wierd.
At FUMA (A Baptist Military School), we were taught "Intelligent Design" in Geometry.

If I can try to articulate what your saying, I think what your saying is great...albiet let's not go crazy over the charging, (they may be small, but not the souless entity of X-box Live)

I'd love to have a GM that would manage Multiplayer games, but I don't know what kind of responsibility he would have that couldn't be solved through Voting but what would I know.

To further the Oracle Idea, I bring a page from THE AZTECS by Richard F. Townsend. It's long but I'm cutting sentenaces

"Divination, the art of forseeing future even to discovering Hidden knowledge through Supernatural means (interesting), was a standard feature of...ancient civilizations All people seek to know the Uknowable, to control the uncontrollabe, or to make confident choice about a difficult devision. Like the Greeks, Romans, and the Chinese, the Aztecs believed in the portentous meaning of omenss and auguries in the Natural World. The pattern of diverse phenomena which appear to coincide were percieved as high meaningful- auguring good or evil, succes or failure for a propsed endeavour. In Greece, no king or commander would dare take a major course of action without consulting one of the many famous oracles. Roman Genereals similiarly sacraficed Bullocks in order to read...the triumph or defeat of a paticular campaign...." They would read the livers.

"...The I Ching, a book of wisdom already old when Confucious wrote it, is where coins and thrown and as they land it is interepeted by the book" But it's a bit more conserative.

"The Aztec Tonalpohuallis (The 365 day calender), is presented by a traditional form of Calendrical divionation still used in Shirnes practiced in Guatemala...candles are lit and copla incence is burned as an offering. Using Coral Seeds and crystals, the day keeper will make arrangements in lots of four, counting out the days of the 260 day calendar. One day is assigned each lot, starting from the current day, or the day where the client's problem began. This is the beginning complex process of Interpretation, though which the daykepper's client will recieve counsel on the course of action revealed by the time-count the pattern of seeds and crytsals..." I Ching Style....

Not like I'm trying to campaign it or what not, but like when good Badger asked for an idea, I just used what was in my head to meet him in this interesting circumstance.

Personally, I also feel like there needs to be a New Dominion that should be a Mod.

A Good (Representing Holy Priests and Noble Warriors) And the Evil Spectrem (Representing a Realm of Fear with Undead Hordes and Sadistic Blood Magic Practices).

I don't feel comfortable in starting a New Thread and Saying "DO THIS", I just want to share it.
Keeping Gameplay in mind, it would look like this,

Good 3- Divine Magic +2, Morale +2 In ability to cast Death and Blood Magic Primary Spells, -50% income off of Death and Blood Gems.
Good 2- Divine Magic +2, Morale +1, Greater Penalty to Death and Blood Magic
Good 1- Divine Magic +1, Morale +1 Penalty to Death and Blood Magic
Neutral- None
Evil 1- Divine Magic -1, Morale -1, Bonus to Death and Blood Magic.
Evil 2- Divine Magic -1, Morale -2, Bigger Bonus to Death and Blood Magic.
Evil 3- Divine Magic -2, Morale -2, Slightly Greater bonus then above to Death and Blood Magic, Generate Death Gems and more Blood Maidens.

Again the Numbers are just relative, the +'s in Divine reprsent bonuses to Divine Spells, not their casting levels. (No lowly priest will be able to Smite, but even he will cast sermons of Courage with envogration.)

A Pure Good God gets powerful noble troops off for a cause that would bring them to brink of matyrism, even the Humble Troops fight to the end. Good Gods bring the rightoues word that enligthens powerful Priests that within the flick of a hand causes the hordes of dead to be banished within the realm by the True Word. But Good Gods rarely, if never, result in using Death and Blood Magic which profits off the blood and souls of thier victims. They are matrys, never murderers. (Imagine if you fought for JC, you'd be so Fantaical in nature that you die for others rather then to live for yourself.)

Pure Evil Gods think little to nothing of Divine Magic, hence their is no implication of a greater cause other then their own self-gluttony. The Troops of evil Gods no matter their size and strength, have weak and soft hearts knowing that the only thing that brings them to fight is chains. It is as if there own shadows seek to bring them down. (Imagine if you fought for Loki, the Arcane Trickster whose own spies cause your demise)

However, the Evil God's power within the Darkness and the Blood invoke their ability to summon hordes and hordes of Undead that march through the cornfields and bring wretched pain to villages. Their blood magic is so profond that the blood of the innocents flows through their body as if it was sweat. Their exotic charm invokes the innocent into their own demise.

But even more vile is that Evil Gods, if pursuing an Evil stragety, have the advantage of more expertise and greater power and control to invoke greater forms of War. (hence, they get points for adopting their own "evil" stragety)

Anyway, I have no disagreement in any shape or form with Badger's idea of activating and deactivating it. None. Make an On switch and I'm good for me.
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