Re: Finally: Sar Elad, testers needed
For some reason, when I enable this mod, I get all the Lanka units as well as (I assume all) the Sar Elad units.
Possibly allow your priests to have a bonus to supply-thinking of the Hannukah myth here, as well as manna from heaven, and we just got gluttony, might be nice if we had a lean, mean, human nation that was light on supply-usage.
Since they spent 40 years in the desert, maybe they have a terrain bonus?
Cohen were forbidden from approaching a corpse-maybe this could be evoked somehow, concerning undead?
Long lifespan feels good.
How about a Methuselah hero? Maybe he's already in.
Jonathan would make a nice hero too, as would Shimshon(Samson), and Noah (with sailing ability).
As a somewhat parallel of the Kithaironic Lion, how about the Lion of Dvei Ilai as a summon? and ofcourse the Jews had plenty of angels to summon.
You could also possibly place Kabbalah and the 10 Sephirot into the game in some form.
Some form of a sticks to snakes spell would be good.
A chariot-slinger unit would be nice, since Jews would have been familiar with Egyptian chariots.
A stealthy commander and elite stealthy units would also be nice.
You've sailed off the edge of the map--here there be badgers!