Well if "most" people say no the feature, then might as well I walk away.
Truthfully, nobody has given any GOOD reason not to implement this feature if it's given to be optional.
Let's look at it mathmatically, something past all irrationalities and things.
X= Game
A, B, C, D= Features
Now, assuming which here is how the logic goes.
If you have X + B + C + D, the game is perfect and should not be tweaked.
If say, another person has X + C + D, the game is perfect, and B is just another gegaw feature.
If I have X + A + B + C, then I am happy, and I couldn't care less about D.
So why can't I have A? Because you disagree with it. That because of A, the game is ruined for YOU even though YOUR not playing the game for me and even if implmeneted YOU wouldn't even think twice of it.
The mantra of, I think it shouldn't be this, therefore it must not is just a crap attitude.
Of all the arguements thrown out against this feature, none of them have been applicable to ME. All of them have been based on YOUR perceptions rather then mine, and why should YOUR perceptions make mine "Wrong" or "Wussy".
Why is Flexibility wrong?
Why should what I want ruin the game????
W/e, I just spoke to think that a small community would appeal to something like this. But nothing gets done one the internet these days.
I'll just stick to Paradox (for Realism) and for Galatic Civilizations (For Flexibility). That way, if I try something new, I won't have to start the whole Four hours over again.
Gl with w/e