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Old January 16th, 2007, 11:49 AM
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Default [request for help] unique provinces ideas

For the next version of my map randomizer (see, I will have some province be assigned preset provinces, some uniques, choosend randomly in a list, with different terrain types as requirement.

The problem is that in order for that to work, I need a base list of such provinces and their required terrain types, and I lack the time to both do the programming and parse the units/sites lists to create those provinces.

So I ask the community for provinces ideas that I will use in my scripts.

Exemples (thanks Gandalf for the first 3 !) :

Landname : BlackWood Forest (provinces with landnames are uniques and won't be used more that once)
required terrains : forest
Commanders :
"Centaur Hierophant" with "Black Bow" [x5]
Landname : Forest of Shafts
required terrains : forest
Commanders :
"Centaur Hierophant" with "Bow of war" [x6]
Landname : HarpaKazi
required terrains : forest
Commanders :
"Black Harpy" with "Medallion of Vengeance" [x8]
Landname : Castle Morco
required terrains : none
Commanders :
"Commander" ("Duke Morco") with randomequip 4
and "tower guards" bodyguards [x5]
Fort in province (unspecified, will depend on terrain type)
Landname : Sea of Storms
required terrains : deep, sea
Commanders :
<some underwater commander with bodyguards and units>
<some underwater air or water site>
poptype <some water poptype>
population 10000

As you can see with the last exemple, I can set *any* site, commander or other feature to the province, I just lack the time to explore the units and sites lists to choose what's appropriate that's why I need your help

Note that a province can have multiple requirements (such as a witch cursed province that would need both forest and swamp)

I'm *not* limited to the exemples I gave : once again, my scripts can handle *any* map or commander command, provided I have the correct names/numbers, so feel free to make any suggestion, even extreme ones, such as a province with the "Nexus" as a known feature, guarded with several archmages and a few dragons (at least, you know that what you fight for), and I can also randomize part of the province if needed.
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A: "Yes !" &lt;stranges noises&gt;
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