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Old January 16th, 2007, 01:25 PM

Wyehl Wyehl is offline
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Default Re: Why no Save game Feature

Gandalf Parker said:
They have given good reasons, just none that you accept.
Well, some people might think they are good but you can't presume that as fact. I think most of the reasons against it are purely for the sake of argument in the absence of actually having a good reason. In fact, to me, it appears that -some- of the arguments are so thin, that I am not even sure the people saying them actually believe them. Don't get me wrong, some of them are debatable but, imo, some of them are really 'stretching it'.

Gandalf Parker said:
But basically one view given would be:
"Should we add a feature that might ruin the replayablity and long term enjoyment, even for those that think they wanted it, thereby hurting the sales of the next version?"

Interesting that you mention GalCiv as an example of a game that has save feature.
They also mentioned Civ4, which is an excellent game by most accounts. If I had to list some of my favorite old games, I think they all had it. Masters Of Magic, Masters Of Orion, X-Com, Alpha Centauri, Civ1, Civ4.

Best thing about those games, for me ? Replayability. Somehow they were all great games (with great replayability) despite the scourge of having a save game feature.
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