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Old January 17th, 2007, 02:26 AM

Wyehl Wyehl is offline
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Default Re: Repeat request.

NTJedi said:
If you've scanned the largest sticky bug thread you'd see there's plenty of work which needs to be done and that's not including the long list of OTHER features people want added which is well over 70-something from the patch improvement thread.
Thus when I see a topic requesting a feature which has a known workaround... it's like complaining to your congressman or government official about banks not being open on Sunday, when there's obviously much larger issues which need attention. Another point is 98% of all the other features which have been suggested don't have workarounds unlike the save game feature request.
I think those are probably the best 'anti-save' points that have been made (minus the analogy). The only problem with them is that they presume the quality of this requested feature to be poor when, apparently, there are several people that would disagree.

Let's be fair, though. It isn't a question of a save game feature vs. a game killing bug. Since new content and features are released with patches, it's really a question of the save game feature vs. other features that have been requested. I acknowlege that you have said as much, I just want to be clear.

For these two arguments (which are really shades of the same argument), it all comes down to the idea that people disagree on:
A) What priority a save game feature should be.
B) How much effort it is to code it (can't recall if anyone but Gandalf made this argument but it is relevant to (A), in any case, so I am throwing it in).

I don't even know what priority it is in the spectrum of other features and I think it's a fair question, though maybe it wasn't posed all that fairly. Honestly, that's what got me involved, I jumped in because the other anti-save arguments were just begging me and I succumbed.

Just a phrase ? No! They were begging me, I tell you, I could hear them saying "You can't let me go, you know you can't...fine, but my friend here is an even greater exageration, can you resist him ? How about a straw man ? Smugness ? Sarcasm ? Oh come on, Wyehl, you can't resist us all, you know we will get you..."

...and they did. The little bastages got me and here I am.

Thanks for indulging my...umm, imagination.
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