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Old January 22nd, 2007, 08:51 PM
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Baalz Baalz is offline
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Default Re: Casual PBEM (looking for players)

I don't know, my thought is for nice casual game a 10 day break (or whatever) should be fine, no big deal. The idea of having a set hosting schedule is to keep the game moving along at a reasonable pace whenever there is not a reason not to, but we can be pretty flexible as long as we're not just wondering if we're ever gonna hear back from somebody. FWIW, I second the suggestion for a 3 day max turn window without an excuse/reason. I'd also suggest that everbody try to take their turns as fast as they comfortably can whenever they don't have a reason not to...which is to say it'd be nice if some turns took less than 3 days.
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