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Old January 24th, 2007, 12:01 AM

Uncle_Joe Uncle_Joe is offline
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Default Re: What is the problem with SE5?

That may be true for you but that won't help to make it fun in the future. What I would like to do here is start to understand the problems that can be addressed. Just saying it ain't fun isn't going to improve anything. Not that I am saying your opinion is less valid than a person who specifies a bug with examples. To you it is a valid point.
Well, you've got to make up your mind what you are looking for. You want ONE REASON?...the game isnt FUN. I can make a laundry list of WHY the game isnt fun for me, but you seemed to want one and ONLY one thing to point to.

If you want the laundry list, then Slick did a pretty good job of covering it. Like he said, any one or two of those things isnt a game-killer, but taken as a whole, it sucks the fun out of the game IMO. The game feels very poorly paced. It feels like a pile of features that never quite gelled into a cohesive game.

And again, as Slick mentioned, I'm trying to like the game. I think it if was just some random game from someone I had never heard of before I would given up on it and written it off as wasted money. But I enjoyed SE4 quite a bit and I had extremely high hopes for SE5. So, for now, I'm hoping that the game can be 'saved' by either patches (unlikely considering that 'stock' will probably never be that great) or modders (which, I again agree with Slick that the game seems to be tilted towards).
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