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Old January 24th, 2007, 12:43 AM

Uncle_Joe Uncle_Joe is offline
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Default Re: What is the problem with SE5?

Stardock's problem IMO is that they constantly dismiss (out of hand) the multiplayer market for TBS games.

I remember them pointing to a poll that they conductd on THEIR SITE about wanting multiplayer or not. They said the results were overwhelmingly against. Well, if you ask on a SINGLE PLAYER ONLY forum, its not likely that you will terribly many MP players hanging around to participate in your poll, are you? And they refer to this completely biased opinion poll as gospel (even the way it was stated was, "would you want to see multiplayer capability added to the game instead of other cool features?")

Ahem...sorry...side rant. But IMO to release a strategy game without multiplayer capability in this day and age of connectivity seems silly. Of course, they are being successful and you can't really argue with success. But its the smug attitude they take towards it that totally turned me off.
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