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Old January 24th, 2007, 01:06 AM
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Default Re: What is the problem with SE5?

Oh wow Slick, no I wasn't offended. Maybe I tried a little too hard to sound neutral. I'm not trying to take sides or say anyone is right or wrong or anything of that nature. I am trying to understand why it is so bad. Call it a number of factors not the least of which is I don't seem to be having the same number of challenges/problems/crashes.

Uncle_Joe you are right I did want one thing that was more frustrating than all the others. I changed that a few posts ago because I haven't seen anyone who can answer the question as I posed it. It's down there in one of my posts, if you skim you will see it.

I hope this game will surpass SE4 and I have faith that it will. What can be done to make that happen? Any suggestions on how to fix the problems? So I don't want to offend anyone and please don't think your answer will offend me. I posed the question because I want to understand.

Edited in: Actually Uncle_Joe I am surprised that you totally missed the comment to open it up more. It's in the very same post you quoted. Read that post over and look at the last sentence.
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