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Old January 24th, 2007, 05:56 PM
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Jack_Trowell Jack_Trowell is offline
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Default Re: design just ONE province

Sandman said:
I'll give it a go...

Landname : Duncorum (anagram of the mineral Corundum)
Required terrains : mountain
Units: Heavy infantry, heavy cavalry, heavy crossbows
Commanders : Heavy cavalry commanders with black steel plate
Sites: Mine of Superior Iron
Ok, I added your province. ( see )

This is what it will look like in the map file :

-- Required terrain type(s) :
-- mountain (16)
#setland XXX-- province by Sandman
#landname "Duncorum"
#poptype 47
#commander 21
#bodyguards 5 21
#units 10 21
#units 20 40
#units 25 49
#additem "Black Steel Plate"
#feature "Mine of Superior Iron"

Note that I added the poptype 47 (heavy cavalries and crossbowmen), so they will be recruitable once you take the province. Moreover, the #setland command (instead of #land) means that the natural poptype units will still be there : the heavy cavalry commander and his units will be *added* to the province defences. But if you think that's too many units I can remove the original units, or put less additional ones.
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