Thread: OT: VISTA
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Old January 31st, 2007, 02:57 AM
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Default Re: OT: VISTA

DO NOT BUY AN HP COMPUTER!!! You have been warned! They refurbish older PC's and then sell them as new. I fell prey to this and I sware to God they do this! Not only did it happen to me, but it has happened to many people including my mother most recently. I told her NOT TO BUY AN HP COMPUTER, but she went out and bought one any ways and a week later the CD Rom stopped working. She called it in to their tech support and after giving them the "new" pc's serial number, was asked if she was "so and so." That her PC had been sent in for repair a year earlier.

HP IS CRAP! THEY SELL USED/REFURBISHED COMPUTERS AS NEW COMPUTERS. They just take the old parts out and put them into a new case and then sell them as new models.

Dell. I cannot tell you not to buy a Dell, but one has to wonder if one should buy a computer form a company that can't even spell its name without using a crooked E. I mean if their that dyslexic would you trust them to build you a computer?
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