Thread: OT: VISTA
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Old February 2nd, 2007, 07:11 AM
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Default Re: OT: VISTA

I'm sick of Windows. The question you really have to be asking is, "what do I use my PC for that I couldn't do with Linux?"

For me, the answer to that question is "Absolutely nothing, except Space Empires."

Web browsing, email, office applications, mediacentre-type stuff, plenty of good games... all of it can be done with Linux. And if you buy a PC without an OS (ie, without Windoze) installed, you can save yourself some £$E.

What versions of Windows will SE5 actaully run on? My next PC (if and when I can ever afford one) will run Linux for 99% of the time, and then have a small, stripped down Windows partition (running a hooky version of 98 or 2000 or XP, NOT Vista) exclusively for Space Empires. I wouldn't even need to go online with that partition (thus negating any security concerns) - I could up/download turn files on the Linux side and then just reboot to play the game.

I think we should hassle Malfador for a Linux version of se6, definitely.
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