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Old February 2nd, 2007, 01:10 PM
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Default Re: Small suggestions for the next patch

2. Some graphical representation of some important values in the game
I noticed that when I check the dominions for their income or population, it takes a lot more time to "decode" the numbers, that are there, then it was in, well, in Master of Magic.
There when I clicked around the cities, I could immediately tell, if I get a low or high income from it, just by waching the gold coins.
If there were something like that in Dominions, like, a gold coin for every 50 gold income next to the accurate number, you could get the feeling about the more and less important dominions much quickly.
There's such an option, that I activate each new game I start : in the menus, near the option where you show the neighbours connections, there is one option to show a "box" for each province, the box showing gold coins , hammers, and candles to let you have a global view of income, ressources, and dominion of a province without having to select it first.
Q: "How many Vorlons does it takes to change a lightbulb ?"
A: "Yes !" <stranges noises>
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