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Old February 2nd, 2007, 02:48 PM

Nick_K Nick_K is offline
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Default Re: Small suggestions for the next patch

There are a lot of user-friendliness improvements that can be made, but I don't know if we'll see there in Dom3. I'd like mercenary renewals to be automated. When I'm playing a fast SP game checking my mercs is a fairly substantial part of many turns. It's also prevents me from really getting lost in the fun parts of the game, because I have this niggling voicei n my head wondering if I've checked the mercs.
There's also some stuff from Dom2 such as the ability to grey-out researchers and remove them from the unit assignment screen that'd be really nice to see again.

I do agree that queuing could be improved. I prefer short games so it's not a huge issue for me, bit it'd be nice. As for the 'money allocation problem'... ideally how it was allocated would be up to the player. For example, provinces could be given a priority level and money would be divided equally among each province at the highest level until all troops are bought, then the next.

The ability to queue commanders would also be of huge benefit

Finally, I think that some of the messages, in particular battle reports could be improved a lot. The main offender is "We captured the fortress!" but even regular reports could give more info. I sometimesl ike watching battles, but if I lose a commander in a fairly dull battle I don't want to watch the whole thing just to figure out which one. I'd like it if battle reports gave a full list of casualties on both sides by commander name and type (e.g. "Ariulf the priest") and by unit number and type ("8 militia").

As I said, I don't know if this sort of thing is a realistic expectation for a doms3 patch. UI is an area that illwinter have mostly improved in further versions of dominions, but of course it's a very important part of the game and I'd hope to see continuing improvements for as long as any issues exist.
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