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Old February 2nd, 2007, 02:49 PM

mivayan mivayan is offline
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Default Re: Small suggestions for the next patch

kr said:
1. An "infinite recruit" setting/button to the army recruit screen of the dominions
Would be neat, especially for commanders.

3. A dismiss command to release the not needed soldiers from their duty
Yeah. Would be usefull.

The behemot description is confusing. *Your* mage, the one that casts the Behemoth spell, is free to do whatever afterwards. The spell reanimates both an elephant and a little mage guy who will sit on the elephant and control it, in game terms you'll never notice the mage.

4. Something to help me sort out the spells
The manual helps a bit with this. If all you have is fire mages, you can look for battlefield spells-fire at page 246.

Edit for more replies:
thejeff said:
Consider: Assume I have 400 gold on hand and 400 income.
I queue up 500 gold worth of troops in 2 provinces.
Which get bought this turn?
Those in the province with the lowest number probably, but to me it doesn't matter since I'd have to be careless for it to happen.

Nick_K said:
There's also some stuff from Dom2 such as the ability to grey-out researchers and remove them from the unit assignment screen that'd be really nice to see again.
Pressing tab at the unit assignment screen will remove researchers, but the grey-out option on the main screen is sadly missing. It was awesome.
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