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Old February 7th, 2007, 08:29 PM
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Default Re: Gems, fatigue and increasing magic levels

Micah said:
I just tested this, it seems like casting fatigue stops at 200, at least for non-communion slaves...I had an E3 mage cast Iron warriors for 40 fatigue, summon earth power for another few (and the needed path boost), and then earthquake with 3 gems, which is a 300 fatigue spell, so all 3 were used to get the casting off...he took a bit of damage, which I assume was from the earthquake spell, but didn't explode in blood from the 150 points of fatigue damage he would have taken if there was no cap.
Wow, this is good, so basically as long as your capable of casting the spell, you can ignore any fatigue over 200?

Whats the point in having all those spells at 300, 700 etc fatigue?
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